Dr.R.Sridevi Ph.D
Professor & Director, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Start-ups
Professor of CSE with 23 years of teaching experience. Presently working as Co.ordinator, Center of Excellence in Cyber Security, JNTUH.Lead various roles as Head of the CSE Department nearly 3 years, Additional Controller of Examinations(EDEP), Additional Controller of Examinations(Result Processing).
During the tenure of Head, organized several Workshops,FDPs, curricular and extra-curricular events and 3 international conferences .Established three Research Labs IoT Lab , Digital Forensics Lab & Big Data Analytics Lab and one smart classroom under TEQIP in the department. Network security and information security are the research domains. Guided 5 Ph.Ds & Published very good number of research papers in various national and international conferences and reputed journals with high indexing factor.

Official Email: sridevirangu@jntuh.ac.in